Your Smartphone's Secret Settings | Mobile Klinik

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Secret Settings In Your Smartphone that You Didn’t Know About

secret settings in your smart phone that you did not know about

It’s pretty incredible when you stop to think about all the ways in which smartphones work to make our lives easier. With the rapid rate of technology advancements and the speed at which new models are introduced, it can be hard to keep up with all the cool things your device can do. Check out some of the lesser-known settings or facts about your cellphone (that you probably didn’t know) below.

Customize the Vibration

Similar to your ringtone and notification adjustments, did you know that you can also tailor the vibration pattern on your phone? Whether you’re in a meeting, at the theatre, or anywhere that prevents you from having the sound switched on, you can edit the type of vibration pattern to notify you of who’s calling, or whenever a call is urgent or not. To do this, go to your Vibrations settings under your ringtone or text tab. Click on the Custom tab and then click Create New Vibration. Then just select the pattern of choice to match your different contacts so you can know when you have to take a call without checking the screen.

Use Search Functions to Locate Specific Pics

Want to find your cute cat pics to show your bestie? There’s an easier way than scrolling through endless photos. In your photo app, all you need to do is type in a generic word that relates to a photo, like “cat” and your phone with pull up all of the latest relevant ones that correlate with that category.

Check the Batteries on Your TV Remote

Another handy fact about your cell phone is that it can help you determine whether your batteries are dead in your remote, or if it’s just the device that’s malfunctioning. All you need to do is open your camera, hold down any button and turn your remote towards your phone’s front-facing camera. Then look to see if you can see the remote’s infrared red light on your phone’s screen when you do this. If it doesn’t, then you need new batteries.

Pin Your Screen for Ease of Use or Privacy Protection

Screen pinning (locking one app to the front screen while blocking all others) allows you to run only the app you pinned to your screen until you enter the lock screen code again. This way if you want to lend your phone to someone or share your device with a group, no other parts of your phone can be accessed or used without your security code. It takes a few simple steps: Open Settings, go to the Security option and enable the Screen Pinning feature in your phone. Next, open the app you’re going to keep pinned and open the Overview by tapping the navigation button below the phone screen. Find the pin icon in the lower right corner on the window for the most recent app. Tap it and the app is pinned to your screen. Now you can share your phone or use it in a group while all you other information is inaccessible behind the pin – until you enter the lock screen code to unpin it.

Navigate your Typed Text More Easily (Using 3D Touch for iPhones)

Another handy fact about your cell phone is that it can help you determine whether your batteries are dead in your remote, or if it’s just the device that’s malfunctioning. All you need to do is open your camera, hold down any button and turn your remote towards your phone’s front-facing camera. Then look to see if you can see the remote’s infrared red light on your phone’s screen when you do this. If it doesn’t, then you need new batteries.

Swipe ‘n Shake for a Fast Erase

Typed the wrong number into a long equation on the calculator app? No problem. You can erase it with an easy swipe. Just swipe left on the number displayed and the last number will be undone in a flash. Or maybe you typed the wrong words into your text? Before hitting ‘send’, give your device a quick shake and it’s all gone. No problem.

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