Top 5 Reasons to Sell Your Used Smartphone | Mobile Klinik

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Top 5 Reasons to Sell Your Used Smartphone

Top 5 Reasons to Sell Your Used Smartphone

More than 56% of us have a smartphone sitting in a drawer, and almost half of us admit to having thrown one away. If you have an old smartphone that’s stuffed in a drawer somewhere or sitting in a glove compartment collecting dust, why not put it to good use by making some extra cash from it? At Mobile Klinik Professional Smartphone Repair, we’ll buy your old phones and give you the best possible rates for them (even if they’re a little bruised or broken). Don’t keep money inside a drawer losing value when you can get fast cash just by dropping in to any one of our many locations across the country. Curious? Here are our top 5 reasons to sell those old smartphones.

You Want the Latest Newest Model

Are you looking to upgrade your current smartphone with the next greatest model? Don’t throw your old phone away. After all, you probably spent a fair penny buying it. Why not get yourself some cash or credit by selling it to a retailer who can clean it up professionally and put it into the hands of someone who can really use it? Trading your phone in makes dollars and sense when you can recuperate some of the costs of your old phone and put it towards the price of a brand new one.

It’s Sitting In a Drawer, Doing Nothing

Since there are now more mobile devices than people in the world, the odds are you have an old smartphone sitting around that you no longer use. You can easily sell it to make some extra money (holding on to it won’t benefit you in any way if you’re not using it). We think nothing ‘sparks joy’ as much as getting cold hard cash for your de-cluttering reward and, of course, you’ll end up with more storage space for things that you do use, including chargers, cases and headsets.

It’s Broken

To be clear, we are not recommending selling your broken phone to someone who is expecting it to work. We are, however, suggesting that you sell it to a mobile repair shop. Mobile repair experts like Mobile Klinik will buy your broken phone, fix it, update it, test it thoroughly, and then put it back on the market for someone else. You’ll get money for your faulty device instead of gaining nothing if you just throw it away.

Help the Environment

Throwing your phone into the trash is bad for the environment because it contributes to toxic e-waste. If your phone is outdated or broken, you may still be able to sell it to a mobile store. This will keep chemicals out of the landfill and eventually put a refurbished phone in the hands of someone who wants it.

You need fast cash

Selling your current phone can help you get money for whatever your next purchase is. If it’s new enough, it could return a pretty penny that could help finance your latest interests.

Check out our cell phone buying guide.

Just remember that the longer you wait, the less value your phone will have. So as soon as you make the decision to give up your old smartphone, bring your it in to one of our Mobile Klinik locations. Our experts know phones and will give you the best price for your old device. Find one of our stores online or drop in today to learn more – you never need an appointment.

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