Trick-or-Treating? 5 Ways to Use Your Phone - Mobile Klinik

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Trick-or-Treating? 5 Ways to Use Your Phone

Trick-or-Treating? 5 Ways to Use Your Phone

If you’re trick-or-treating this October, it’s important to keep your phone with you in case your family or friends get separated. After all, it’s not always easy to identify everyone when they’re in costume. And if you’re running around from house to house in the dark your phone can easily get lost, dropped or even stolen. So before you head out, read up on these five ways to protect and use your phone this Halloween.

Set A Screen Lock

Setting a strong screen password lock so no one can access your phone if it’s lost or stolen is a great start. You can also program your screensaver with instructions on what to do if your phone is found. Just be sure to include a contact phone number and name so they can easily arrange to return it to you.

Download A “Find My Phone” App

For Halloween or any other day, downloading this special app will help you find your phone in case it goes missing. It uses GPS and network connections to find your phone’s location so you can track it down. For your iPhone, download and install the “Find My iPhone” from the iTunes store; on Android, you can set up the app in the Android Device Manager; and on a Windows phone, you can access the “Find My Phone” app in the settings menu. Once you install the app, you can easily track down a missing phone (yours, or your kids’) from your computer.

Check out the iHound

Installing the iHound app helps you accurately track down your phone’s whereabouts if it’s lost or stolen. But it also allows you to lock your phone and delete any personal information remotely. Even more, you can send a message remotely to communicate with whoever has found it or set off a loud alarm if you think it’s still in range.

Back It Up

There’s always a chance your phone stays lost, even with added password securities and tracking devices. Don’t wait until it’s lost forever – backup your phone before you head out for Halloween and then again each month. This ensures you will still have all your pictures, contacts, documents, and other valuable information accessible to you and available (if you have to) to install into your next phone.

Protective Case

Whether your hands are full of bags of candy or you’re running from house to house watching a group of ghouls and goblins, it’s easy to drop your phone. There’s no better way to protect your device from scratches and cracks than to get a protective case. At Mobile Klinik, we offer an excellent range of smartphone cases in our Accessories section so you can get the protection you need in case your phone falls into Halloween darkness.

Come into Mobile Klinik before you head out for Halloween, and let us help you get your phone updated and protected for a fun night of trick-or-treating.

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